Warding off my Superstitious beliefs – Part II

Continuing where I left off in my last article, allow me to recap a little - In order to address all the problems I was facing, I continued to believe in various kinds of Godmen and started to perform countless Pariharams (which are a gamut of odd rituals and prayers). These Pariharams comprised of things... Continue Reading →

Warding Off My Superstitious Beliefs

Today I’ve taken a slight detour from my usual writing to cover one of the most important experiences I’ve ever had. Superstitions - which my Krsna Guru so beautifully eradicated from my life right in the first few days of my journey with Him. During my first few meetings with my Guru, he asked me... Continue Reading →

Value Of Time

What is the value of time? Is time something that we can while away? Can time stand still like the poets say? Are scientists able to bend or manipulate time? Can we do time travel? Is time a relative factor? Is time real? There are so many questions whereas time is concerned. We all have... Continue Reading →

What’s Initiative?

What's initiative? Hardly anyone works on his own steam. Everyone needs a prod before they move. Those who have their own motivation to do the stuff are called the ones who take the initiative. The people who set their own standards of excellence and keep on bettering it with every achievement are the doers and... Continue Reading →

Commonest Issues!

Some of the commonest issues we face in our lives are the toughest to deal with. On the face of it they look very simple and solvable but they are the biggest obstacle to overcome. To wake up your son or daughter is like climbing Mount Everest. Everyday shaking them up or even pouring cold... Continue Reading →

Difficulties And Obstructions

Is there anyone out there who doesn't go through difficulties and obstructions? Or opposition and rejections, failures and postponement, losses and troubles? We all are so much prone to these bugs that we suffer from it constantly. To become germ free is tough. These viruses are dormant and then they suddenly show up. Now we... Continue Reading →

Training Human Beings

Training a human being to reach the height of glory is a very tough act. Not only for the teacher but also for the student. Both have to put in their heart and soul. Practice is a must, patience is important, discipline is topmost, perfection in timing, constancy and consistency a norm, improvement is movement,... Continue Reading →

Cat And Mouse Play!

When the cat is away the mice play. It's a very common adage and we are so much used to it that the moment the confines or shackles are removed, we stop working and become the uncontrollable freak. Why do you think that happens? We are so much used to noise and chaos that we... Continue Reading →

Only No.1 Can Teach You To Be No.1.

Short memories and opinionated so called well-wishers can turn you against your true pathway. So people railroad you into believing what they think is right for you. They say they truly care for you, yet they are actually not! Reminds me of the scene from the Hindi movie "Rockstar," where the unscrupulous friends are eating... Continue Reading →

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